Broad vs. Full Spectrum CBD for Dogs: Which Is Best?

All CBD is just CBD, right…? Well, not really!

When you are shopping for CBD oil for your pup, you will encounter products that say “full-spectrum” and others that say “broad-spectrum”. So what does it mean?

First and foremost, it’s important to understand what CBD actually is and composed of, then lets go over what the full vs broad-spectrum entails. 

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What are the components of CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a prevalent active ingredient found in cannabis alongside THC; you may be familiar already with the fact that THC is what creates a high when people consume marijuana.

However, CBD products on the market are actually not derived from the marijuana plant, but rather hemp plants. In hemp plants, the THC levels are significantly lower than marijuana, which makes it a better option for CBD products, especially for dogs who cannot tolerate THC!

Therefore, CBD products do not actually cause any sort of high in dogs who consume it, contrary to semi-popular belief. 

When CBD products are being made and CBD is extracted from the hemp plant, cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes are extracted from the material and subsequently infused into a carrier oil. What happens after this step determines whether the CBD will be considered full or broad-spectrum.

A cannabis leaf with herbal extracts in a glass vial, representing natural healthcare remedies.

Full-Spectrum CBD

Full-spectrum CBD contains all the phytochemicals found in Cannabis sativa, or hemp, including cannabidiol, terpenes, essential oils, and other cannabinoids, such as THC. However, the THC content is typically below 0.3%, in accordance with legal regulations.

So, full-spectrum retains more of the active compounds found in the hemp plant, but comes with a very small, negligible trace of THC. Although the THC levels legally have to be less than 0.3% which is also the levels it has to be to be non-toxic for dogs, some do share the concern that this THC can build up in the body after continued use.

Broad-Spectrum CBD

On the other hand, broad-spectrum CBD goes through an extra process to completely remove THC so that the CBD oil theoretically contains the entire spectrum of hemp compounds except the THC. 

However, some people would argue that in this process to get rid of the THC entirely, some cannabinoids that have benefits may also get lost. 

Adorable close-up of a brown dog's face with a curious expression and focus on its eyes and nose.

So which CBD type is right for my dog?

Now we know the main difference between full-spectrum and broad-spectrum: THC. But we also know that there is the tradeoff of the extra benefits of having more of the active compounds from the hemp plant.

So which is right for dogs? The answer is: whichever one you think best that you find on the market after considering all the benefits and risks.

To be honest, there is almost 0 risk with a full-spectrum CBD oil for dogs because as long as its a reputable brand and product, the THC amounts should be negligible, and therefore your dog will get the most benefit from the product and its range of compounds.

However, if you want to be extra safe with the THC, then broad-spectrum would be the easiest option.

If I’m talking just about my own opinion, I tend to opt for broad-spectrum because it should theoretically still contain the other beneficial compounds and has no THC, and I’ve had great experiences with it. 

However, if I had an older dog that was suffering from arthritis or intense seizures and the broad-spectrum CBD was showing absolutely no effect, I would definitely elect a full-spectrum CBD product without any worry. But, just keep in mind that whichever option you go for, always consult your vet before starting a CBD oil, especially for dogs with existing health conditions!

Now that you know about the types of CBD, which would you opt for for your dog? Let me know in the comments below!

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